Translation Services

ABM IT Consulting Services offers a comprehensive suite of translation and localization services, encompassing translation, layout, software testing, content delivery, and everything in between. Our commitment to dedicated customer service and industry-specific expertise ensures added value for your business. With certified translation services and a collaborative partnership approach, we pave the way for your business success.

Core Translation Services

Website Localization and Translation

Our team of linguistic specialists and engineers ensures that your website becomes not only accessible but also culturally suitable for your international audience.

Marketing Translations

Expand the reach of your marketing content by ensuring all elements meet both regional and global expectations.

Technical Documentation Translation

We excel in translating technical and regulatory content, including contracts, format letters, internal communications, and medical documents.

E-learning Translations

Our team of e-learning experts is dedicated to providing globally understandable e-learning content.

Legal and Patent Translations

With knowledge, experience, and a skilled staff, we guarantee accurate and transparent translations of legal texts.

HR and Corporate Communications

Fine-tune the tone of your multilingual content without compromising the inclusive corporate culture you’ve cultivated.

Language Asset Management

Linguistic assets form the foundation of your localization program. We can either create these assets for you or align existing translation memories.

Software Localization Services

Our software localization services adapt software to align with the culture and language of local markets. The code is extracted, translated, and seamlessly integrated with the original software, allowing for the use of different languages, measurement units, and fonts.

Professional Translations

Deserve Professional Design Multilingual DTP and Layout Services Our Desktop Publishing (DTP) specialists collaborate closely with your team to create templates and layouts that capture your brand’s image and values.

Ready to Get Started?

We are committed to offering you the freedom of choice while providing subject matter expertise and customized strategies to align with your business needs.

Contact ABM IT Consulting Services today to discuss your unique requirements.
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